Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

Hi I’m Eva at @pomoevareads on Instagram. I hail from Vancouver, Canada and am a loyal listener. My favourite episodes are the monthly “It” Books of the Month battle. I mainly read literary fiction and throw in a thriller now and then for a palate cleanser. I aim to continue reading more indigenous fiction and love a good character driven family saga. I don’t need a character to be likeable for me to love a book.

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I love the It Books episodes too!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

FUN! I'm Amy @amyfink26 on Instagram. I can never have too many bookish friends. Thanks Rebecca and Jeff. :) I am mostly a fiction reader, (family drama, a good mystery/thriller, found family, coming of age....) but I do like nonfiction in a memoir, or social science type subject area.

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Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

Hi everyone! I'm Mary Grace (@marygracemcgeehan on Insta and BlueSky). I'm from the United States and I live in Cape Town. I'm a fan of literary fiction and upmarket commercial fiction, although I hate that label. I cohost a podcast called "Rereading Our Childhood" where, you guessed it, we reread childhood favorites, most recently Anne of Green Gables (@rereadingpodcast.bsky.social).

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Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

Hi! I’m @adventuresinpages on Instagram and TikTok. I mostly read and review romance, but also love thrillers. I occasionally dip into sci-fi, fantasy, litfic, and societal horror.

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Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

I’m @tlctbr on Instagram and StoryGraph. I’ll admit I tend to post a whole bunch for a while and then nothing at all for a while. My wish to be online comes and goes with the wind!

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Jun 13Liked by Book Riot

@memwahpodcast on instagram. Celebrity memoirs and most recently Andrew McCarthy interview 😍

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Hi! I’m Gigi Howard, a librarian living in Richmond Virginia! I love all things books, I love this podcast, and I host my own bookish podcast: Drinks in the Library where each week I interview a guest about a book they love, and we pair it with a drink! I’m on Instagram @DrinksintheLibrary I’d love to have more bookish pals! 📚👯‍♀️👯

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Jun 14Liked by Book Riot

Lots of frontlist commercial lit fit with a bias to Asian-American writers on booktube at https://www.youtube.com/thepoptimist but have been having a blast doing shortform book adjacent content over on TikTok lately https://www.tiktok.com/@poptimistprime — which as a middle-aged dad is surely a sign of its waning popularity. And @daejin on Insta - though that's a bit more booze and cigars forward. That seems like a lot - but it's wildly infrequent. Currently reading Beautyland!

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Jun 14Liked by Book Riot

I’m @lilymwrites on Instagram but these days I’m mostly here, where I write about living a book-loving life and figuring stuff out as a neurodivergent millennial!

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Hi! I’m @amberkreu on Instagram, Twitter, and BlueSky. I read a variety of genres but most often literary fiction and horror.

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Jun 18Liked by Book Riot

Hello fellow book lovers, I'm Chandra. You can find me at @McMorrDog on Instagram. I read across genres in fiction and non-fiction. I really enjoy the podcast and generally add a couple of books to my growing TBR with each episode.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Book Riot

Hi I'm Anne! my instagram is @donnahoe. Not a dedicated book handle - but i try to post what i've read/listened to with a quickie review. Love literary fiction, historical fiction, thrillers, non-fiction (memoirs mostly). Always have a fiction book going and a broccoli book (good for you...). Always happy to connect with fellow book nerds!

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Jun 17Liked by Book Riot

@thewasofshall on Instagram. I gravitate toward romance but I also work in a library and get distracted by all sorts of genres

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Hi, I'm Mike from Washington, DC. I'm a big fan of the Book Riot podcast (listening often while I'm cooking a meal) and an avid reader of the Today in Books and Literary Activism newsletters. I'm on the socials @mnaple (on X/Twitter) and @manapes01 (on Instagram). My social content covers books, food, pop culture, health care advocacy, and queer life topics. I read a mix of fiction, nonfiction narrative, memoir, short stories, and queer literary fiction and romance. I recently finished Family Meal by Bryan Washington and just started Henry, Henry by Allen Bratton (a debut novel).

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Jun 14Liked by Book Riot

This is so fun! For anyone interested in lit-fic/translated literature and poetry, I'm @icarus_plummets on insta and tiktok. Though, fair warning, I'm not a VERY frequent poster (because I'm too busy reading)

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I'm @ofbooksandbikes on Twitter and Instagram. My Instagram is locked but I welcome requests from bookish people -- just trying to keep spam accounts away.

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